The Confidence, Clarity & Career Package

The sessions that comprise this package are a result of deep listening to over 250 professionals during the last five years. I learned from my clients that the topics and assessments listed below are what  helped them most.  

No matter what package you choose (there are three options), the goal is the same:

  • that you come to know the potential you’ve had all along
  • a renewed confidence in your strengths and natural talents

Session 1: Prime Your Mind | Words of Confidence

Making significant life decisions about your career and life can be confusing and daunting.

Where do you start? How do you make that desired change?

In this session, we start at the beginning: where you are mentally and emotionally. A positive mindset is essential for cultivating confidence and clarity. During this session, you will see and hear the words of your mind. Is your narrative energizing you toward your career goals? Or are you stuck in a story you need to revise?

Benefit: Mental preparedness and confidence for cultivating the life and career you desire.

Session 2: Your Values and Beliefs | Why You Do What You Do

Values and beliefs are like the keel or centerboard of a sailboat that keeps you from tipping over; they keep you centered and oriented towards a life of meaning and purpose.

When your choices, actions, and attitudes flow from your values and beliefs, a sense of passion and purpose emerges, giving you a reason for why you do what you do, especially during times of challenge and adversity.

Benefit: Alignment with what you do and why you do it.

Session 3: The Story You Tell Yourself | Life Experiences That Inspire

What is your story—the one you’re excited to tell?

We all have a story about life experiences that inspired us and shaped our values for why we do what we do.

In this session, we reflect on your answers to five questions about favorite people in your life, books, movies, and activities and how they can inspire new stories and a fresh outlook on your life and your career.

Benefit: Your unique story about who you are, where you want to work, what you want to do there, why you want to do it, and how you should begin.

Session 4: Your Natural Talent | Enjoy Being You

Your Personality Type describes how your brain absorbs and stores information and your preferred way of making decisions. These two cognitive functions explain your natural talent, your preferred work style, and your expression of leadership.

I love this assessment because you learn how you do what you do and what motivates you—a powerful confidence builder!

Confident in your natural talent, you can clearly and easily communicate your value, as well as the skills and talents you bring to work relationships and problem solving.

Benefit: Confidence in your natural talent and clarity of your unique abilities.

Session 5: Your Strengths | Enjoy Your Work

Your strengths are your natural talents that mature and develop with work experiences and training over a period of time: Talent x Investment = Strength

When you work and live in your strengths, you become more productive and engaged with the people around you and your work. When you are engaged, you are happier, more creative, and have more energy for your work.

Your personalized CliftonStrengths report describes your top five strengths and your expression of each strength. When you understand your strengths, you realize your potential and simultaneously recognize opportunities for success and career satisfaction.

Benefit: Confidence for living in and working at your full potential.

Session 6: Your Interests | Explore Occupations

In this session, we explore The Holland Code’s six themes that describe a variety of career and life interests. Your top three themes suggest a family of occupations for you to explore and consider.

When your work aligns with your interests, you will find yourself working with people who share your interests. Similarly, a work environment has a “work personality” that correlates with the interests of the people who work there. This dynamic connection fosters career satisfaction and a feeling you are doing the kind of work you were meant to do and alongside people doing the same.

Benefit: Occupational suggestions that align with your life and career interests.

Session 7: Professional Summary | Stand Out with a Competitive Resume

The professional summary on your resume comprises your natural talents, accomplishments, and transferrable skills. It effectively presents how you align with the job and the organization with a “word picture” of who you are and why the employer should consider you as a candidate.

Writing a professional summary can be challenging and time consuming as you attempt to distill a lot of information into a few sentences. With some patience, confidence in your strengths and talents, and clarity about your career goals, we will write a professional summary you will be proud of!

Benefit: A professional summary that best describes your natural talents, strengths, and interests.

Session 8: Resume' Edits | Stand Out with a Competitive Resume

A resume is a communication strategy designed to get an interview.

A well written resume captures the essence of your work in a succinct and organized way that is easy and quick to read. Since the reader will spend between 6-10 seconds reading your resume, your words, and how your words are organized, really matter.

Starting with your current resume, we will make edits to connect your work history with the job description, so it moves through the Applicant Tracking System and attracts the attention of resume readers.

Benefit: A professional document that will amplify your chance for an interview.

Session 9: Interview Ready | Present Yourself with Confidence

The interview is about creating connections with the interviewer(s) whose primary need is to get to know you. Their primary question: “Who are you and what do we get when we hire you?”

The behavioral interview is widely used to solicit stories about how you manage workplace scenarios. This style is a best attempt for the interviewer to picture you in action with your colleagues.

The most important answer in an interview is your response to, “Tell me about yourself.”

Benefit: Be prepared, be confident, and ready to enjoy the interview experience.

Session 10: Reflection & Integration

This final session is an open-ended, one-on-one conversation to reflect on your learning experiences.

Think of this session as time to gather your thoughts and plans to integrate your newfound confidence and clarity into your personal and professional life.

Ready to reveal the potential you've had all along?

Then let's begin.
InsideOut Career Direction | Coaching & Counseling | Cleveland, OH

Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.

~ Vincent Van Gogh

Confidence, Clarity & Career Package Summary

Mastery Level

Focus Level

Foundational Level

• Integrate your natural talents and strengths with professional communication strategies. • Know your unique ability and added value to an organization. • Be ready to interview.

• Be mentally and emotionally focused. • Know your natural talent and strengths, be confident in your unique ability and added value to an organization.

• Be reminded of your natural talent and strengths and refocus on your full potential.


1. Words of Confidence
2. Your Values & Beliefs
3. The Story You Tell Yourself
4. Your Natural Talent
5. Your Strengths
6. Your Interests
7. Professional Summary
8. Resume Edits
9. Interview Ready
10. Reflection & Integration

10 meetings

6 meetings

3 meetings

Confidence, Clarity & Career Package Summary

Mastery Level

Includes all ten coaching sessions:

  • Words of Confidence
  • Your Values & Beliefs
  • The Story You Tell Yourself
  • Your Natural Talent
  • Your Strengths
  • Your Interests
  • Professional Summary
  • Resume Edits
  • Interview Ready
  • Reflection & Integration

Focus Level

Includes six coaching sessions:

  • Words of Confidence
  • Your Values & Beliefs
  • The Story You Tell Yourself
  • Your Natural Talent
  • Your Strengths
  • Your Interests
Foundational Level

Includes three coaching sessions:

  • Words of Confidence
  • Your Values & Beliefs
  • The Story You Tell Yourself

Ready for your journey of discovery?

Then let's begin.
Mary Rose Tichar | InsideOut Career

Mary Rose Tichar is Founder and Director of InsideOut Career Direction.


She serves experienced professionals seeking to better integrate personal talents and strengths with their work or career.


Contact Mary Rose at 216.409.7875 or use this contact form.

Mary Rose Tichar | InsideOut Career
Mary Rose Tichar is Founder and Director of InsideOut Career Direction.
She serves experienced professionals seeking to better integrate personal talents and strengths with their work or career. 
Contact Mary Rose at 216.409.7875 or use this contact form.

Mary Rose Tichar

CEO, Career Strategist & Career Counselor



Career Counseling Connection

Psychology Today


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