Career Counseling

Career Counseling results in a Discovery of Self, with a focus on becoming mindfully aware of your emotions and thought patterns, where you come to  understand how they affect your personal and professional lives. 

During our work together, we connect your whole self to the type(s) of work that best suits you. My program includes personality tests and assessments as well as internal narratives, self-talk, communication, decision-making style, and more. It also includes a multi-dimensional plan to prepare you to land your new job, if that’s your course of action.

Ready to reveal the potential you've had all along?

Then let's begin.

Confidence, Clarity & Career Package

When others listen, empathize, and recognize your potential and intelligence, you thrive.

Career counseling is designed to free you from a negative emotional state so you can move toward a positive one of fulfilling work.

Ultimately, my purpose is to provide the path to help you feel happiness and a sense of fulfillment while making meaningful contributions at work.

Mary Rose Tichar | InsideOut Career

Mary Rose Tichar is Founder and Director of InsideOut Career Direction.


She serves experienced professionals seeking to better integrate personal talents and strengths with their work or career.


Contact Mary Rose at 216.409.7875 or use this contact form.

Mary Rose Tichar is Founder and Director of InsideOut Career Direction.


She serves experienced professionals seeking to better integrate personal talents and strengths with their work or career.


Contact Mary Rose at 216.409.7875 or use this contact form.

Mary Rose Tichar

CEO, Career Strategist & Career Counselor



Career Counseling Connection

Psychology Today


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